2016.08-2017.08,美国佐治亚大学,联合培养博士(导师:andrew h. paterson教授)
2019.12- 西南大学农学与生物科技学院,副教授
1. 马铃薯环境胁迫调控网络构建
2. 马铃薯抗性调控枢纽基因功能解析
3. 马铃薯薯块膨大机制解析
1 joint qtl mapping and transcriptome sequencing analysis reveal candidate flowering time genes in brassica napus l. bmc genomics, 2019 jan 9;20(1):21
2 genome-wide identification of micrornas in response to cadmium stress in oilseed rape (brassica napus l.) using high-throughput sequencing. international journal of molecular sciences, 2018 may 10; 19 (5).
3 integrated mrna, srna, and degradome sequencing reveal oilseed rape complex responses to sclerotinia sclerotiorum (lib.) infection. scientific reports, 2018 jul 20; 8(1):10987
4 genome-wide analysis and expression profiling of the suc and sweet gene families of sucrose transporters in oilseed rape (brassica napus l.) frontiers in plant science, 2016 sep 28; 7: 1464.
5 identification of rapeseed micrornas involved in early stage seed germination under salt and drought stresses. frontiers in plant science, 2016 may 13; 7: 658
6 screening of candidate leaf morphology genes by integration of qtl mapping and rna sequencing technologies in oilseed rape (brassica napus l.). plos one, 2017 jan 9; 12(1): e0169641
7 genome-wide analysis of seed acid detergent lignin (adl) and hull content in rapeseed (brassica napus l.) plos one, 2015 dec 16; 10 (12): e0145045
8 genome-wide analysis and expression profiling of the grf gene family in oilseed rape (brassica napus l.). gene, 2017 jul 15; 620: 36-45
9 a combination of genome-wide association and transcriptome analysis reveals candidate genes controlling harvest index-related traits in brassica napus. scientific reports, 2016 nov 4; 6: 36452
10 甘蓝型油菜pebp 基因家族的鉴定与表达分析, 作物学报,2019, 45 (3): 354-364
11 甘蓝型油菜蔗糖磷酸合酶(sps)基因家族成员鉴定及表达分析作物学报 2018, 44 (02): 197-207
12 利用snp高密度遗传连锁图谱定位甘蓝型油菜种子硫苷含量的qtl. 作物学报, 2014, 40 (08): 1386-1391
13 基于 snp 遗传图谱定位甘蓝型油菜千粒重 qtl 位点.中国农业科学 2014, 47 (20): 3953-3961
14 利用 snp 遗传图谱定位盐, 旱胁迫下甘蓝型油菜种子发芽率的 qtl. 作物学报 2014, 40 (04): 629-635
1 joint rna-seq and mirna profiling analyses to reveal molecular mechanisms in regulating thickness of pod canopy in brassica napus. genes, 2019 aug 5; 10 (8). pii: e591
2 genome-wide exploration and characterization of mir172/euap2 genes in brassica napus l. for likely role in flower organ development. bmc plant biology, 2019 aug 1; 19 (1): 336
3 genome-wide identification and characterization of gretchen hagen3 (gh3) family genes in brassica napus, genome, 2019 sep; 62 (9): 597-608
4 genome-wide identification of the lac gene family and its expression analysis under stress in brassica napus. molecules, 2019 may 23; 24 (10). pii: e1985
5 whole-genome resequencing reveals brassica napus origin and genetic loci involved in its improvement. nature communications, 2019 mar 11; 10 (1):1154.
6 screening of candidate gene responses to cadmium stress by rna sequencing in oilseed rape (brassica napus l.). environ sci pollut res int., 2018 nov; 25 (32):32433-32446
7 combined qtl mapping, physiological and transcriptomic analyses to identify candidate genes involved in brassica napus seed aging. mol genet genomics, 2018 dec; 293 (6):1421-1435
8 genome-wide analysis of the pyl gene family and identification of pyl genes that respond to abiotic stress in brassica napus. genes, 2018 mar 12; 9(3). pii: e156
9 genetic and transcriptomic analyses of lignin- and lodging-related traits in brassica napus. theor appl genet., 2017 sep; 130 (9):1961-1973
10 identification of micrornas actively involved in fatty acid biosynthesis in developing brassica napus seeds using high-throughput sequencing. front plant sci., 2016 oct 24; 7: 1570
11 genome-wide association analysis and differential expression analysis of resistance to sclerotinia stem rot in brassica napus. plant biotechnol j., 2016 jun; 14 (6):1368-80
12 甘蓝型油菜株高、第一分枝高和分枝数的qtl检测及候选基因筛选作物学报 2015, 41 (07): 1027-1038
13 甘蓝型油菜盐胁迫下幼苗鲜重和干重qtl定位及候选基因分析作物学报 2017, 43 (02): 179-189
14 甘蓝型油菜茎秆菌核病抗性与木质素及其单体比例的相关性分析及qtl定位作物学报2017, 43 (09): 1280-1289.